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Sharlene Monica Pearl Sycks
Graphic Designer

Background· Honors· Interests· Future Endeavors


Sharlene Monica Pearl Sycks was born on August 16th, 1982 in Loveland Colorado.Sharlene was introduced to the world of art at a very young age with coloring and drawing being some of her first memories. It didn't hurt either that she had an artist for a mother and a grandmother who when she would visit from Washington would turn on Bob Ross. Oh those happy little trees! As Sharlene grew older she took to illustration as her creative outlet. Art class quikly became her favorite and she won many awards for her artwork from grade to high school. Then came the high school pre college years where many teenagers start thinking about their career path post graduation. It came as no suprise that she chose an artistic path. With the intrigue of hearing her mother's stories of working as a commercial artist during the 1960's she decided to venture into the world of Graphic Design. She graduated high school in 2000 and started courses at Front Range Community College in Fort Collins. She then moved to Denver where she pursued her BFA in Communication Design at Metro State College of Denver. After her graduation in 2007 from Metro, she started working as both a freelance graphic designer and a junior graphic designer at a marketing company.


Through her journey as a designer and artist she has received the following awards:
Remington Street Review Fort Collins High School- artwork published 1999
Larimer County Fair- honors range from Reserve Champion & 1st-3rd place for illustrations & photography 1998-2003
Metrosphere Magazine- artwork published 2005
Tangerine Arts Bookshow- student book show 2006
Paris on the Platte Artshow- artwork displayed 2006
Emmanuel Gallery- Senior Thesis design show 2007
Charity benefits at Sputnik & Santa fe Tequila Company- designs produced for posters & flyers for nephew's benefits 2008


Personal interests of Sharlene include:
Animals, especially her Jack Russell Terrier Scarlet & Dachshunds
Sports such as bikeriding and running
Her family and friends which include two young nephews
Advanced education
Forensic science

Future Endeavors

The future for Sharlene holds many ambitions. She is currently enrolled at Red Rocks Community College with the goal to become certified in web development in 2009. Sharlene is continuing her education to become more valuable with knowledge of both print and web design. Her goal in the near future is to become and web devloper and one day a creative director. She is also considering an Master's in Business Administration.

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